About CANA


The College Area Neighborhood Alliance is comprised of residents within the boundaries of McHenry Avenue, Tully Road, Orangeburg Avenue, and Needham Street in Modesto, CA. This comprises roughly 2100 households.

Our Mission

Neighbors working together with the City to create a safe, clean, family-friendly and vibrant neighborhood.



A Strategic Plan for 2010-2013 was adopted by the Modesto City Council as the guiding document for the City of Modesto on September 28, 2010. One of the initiatives stated in the section titled Community & Partnerships was to build and promote partnerships that engage neighborhoods and create a sense of community.

A Steering committee came together in 2010 to form the College Area Neighborhood Alliance to focus on enriching the neighborhood by taking action to solve issues and making it a better place to live for all. It is founded on community involvement and is not a political group. Anyone who lives or owns property within the boundary of CANA can participate in the neighborhood activities and events.

Coordinating and participating in activities is purely voluntary.

Neighborhoods all over Modesto are forming alliances for safety, graffiti, trees, and many other neighborhood concerns. Any resident can attend meetings and participate on a volunteer basis. This format builds a communication among residents, city officials, and the Modesto Police Department to create a safe, clean, and beautiful neighborhood.

This website is a resource for all CANA residents, owners and renters. We provide a neutral forum to share ideas and learn about issues that effect our neighborhood. There is no cost to join.